GNU GMP 5.0.1 mpz_probab_prime_p pseudoprimes

Last updated 10pm GMT 05 March 2011.

I was inspired by Thomas R. Nicely's page about GMP mpz_spsp's, and it made me want to test it in the newest version
5.0.1 of GMP.

I downloaded "gmp-5.0.1.tar.gz" (2631904 bytes) from the main GMP site and compiled it on a freshly installed Msys
with MinGW64. The variables "__GNU_MP_VERSION", "__GNU_MP_VERSION_MINOR", "__GNU_MP_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL" reports
respectively 5, 0 and 1, but the variable "gmp_version" reports 4.3.2. I assume they forgot to update "gmp_version".

I counted all mpz_spspk's below 5*10^10 to compare with earlier GMP versions:

           GMP 4.1.2  GMP 4.2.1/4.3.1  GMP 5.0.1
mpz_spsp1:    543           559           546
mpz_spsp2:     70            68            67
mpz_spsp3:     19            11            11
mpz_spsp4:      3             0             0
mpz_spsp5:      0             0             0

I have since continued counting mpz_spspk's in GMP 5.0.1:

           10^10 5*10^10  10^11  10^12 4*10^12
mpz_spsp1:   294     546    690   1833    3276
mpz_spsp2:    38      67     80    224     400
mpz_spsp3:     4      11     15     42      81
mpz_spsp4:     0       0      0      4      13
mpz_spsp5:     0       0      0      0       3

Here is a list of all 3773 mpz_spspk's up to 4*10^12:  mpz_spsp.txt

Out of the 3773 numbers there is 3523 with 2 prime factors, 207 with 3 factors, 40 with 4 factors and 3 with 5 factors.
Out of the 3523 numbers with 2 factors, 3187 of them are of a special form p*(ap-(a-1)) for a>=2:
p*(2p-1)	1095 numbers
p*(3p-2)	856 numbers
p*(4p-3)	390 numbers
p*(5p-4)	156 numbers
p*(6p-5)	186 numbers
p*(7p-6)	131 numbers
p*(ap-(a-1)) for a>7	373 numbers


I also tested numbers of the form p*(2p-1) with p and (2p-1) prime for p<10^8:

          GMP 4.1.2  GMP 4.2.1/4.3.1  GMP 5.0.1
mpz_spsp0   377353        377554        377543
mpz_spsp1    35836         35772         35772
mpz_spsp2     7996          7911          7911
mpz_spsp3     1802          1782          1782
mpz_spsp4      413           401           401
mpz_spsp5       89            86            86
mpz_spsp6       31            21            21
mpz_spsp7        4             3             3
mpz_spsp8        1             2             2
mpz_spsp9        1             0             0

I continued this search for GMP 5.0.1 for p>10^8:

           p<10^8   p<10^10    p<10^11     p<10^12   p<4*10^12
mpz_spsp0  377543  23694036  194504553  1625415918  5878749855
mpz_spsp1   35772   2237331    4060508   153484825   555158269
mpz_spsp2    7911    494514     920945    33946445   122764371
mpz_spsp3    1782    112009     213135     7695720    27840928
mpz_spsp4     401     26001      50621     1783895     6452866
mpz_spsp5      86      6219      12042      420782     1522576
mpz_spsp6      21      1447       2929      100722      365846
mpz_spsp7       3       323        702       24406       88290
mpz_spsp8       2        92        185        6025       21681
mpz_spsp9       0        16         51        1478        5337
mpz_spsp10      0         7         11         369        1322
mpz_spsp11      0         3          3          93         337
mpz_spsp12      0         0          0          18          71
mpz_spsp13      0         0          0           4          22
mpz_spsp14      0         0          0           1           7
mpz_spsp15      0         0          0           0           1

Here is a list of all mpz_spspk's with order>=10 of the form p*(2p-1) for p<4*10^12:  mpz_spsp p(2p-1).txt

Notice in the table for p<4*10^12 there are 714,221,924 mpz_spsp order 1 to 15 out of a total of 714,221,924 +
5,878,749,855 = 6,592,971,779 total primes (2p-1). That means almost every 9th p*(2p-1) where p and 2p-1 are primes is
a mpz_spspk.

The reason for this is probably related conjecture 2 in this paper by Brian C. Higgins: higgins.pdf
which I found on
The paper is about non-witnesses for Miller-Rabin strong probable primes which is the test mpz_probab_prime_p uses.
For numbers n=p*q with p=2r+1 and q=4r+1=2p-1 and r odd, the number of non-witnesses is equal to (p-1)*(q-1)/4 which is
almost the highest possible ratio 1/4, proved by Rabin, of the values 1 to p*q-1.

I tested the conjecture for p<5*10^8 and it checks out. When p and q are not 2r+1 and 4r+1 for odd r, the number of non-
witnesses is slightly smaller than (p-1)*(q-1)/4 but still high. I also checked numbers of the form p*(ap-(a-1)) for a>2
and they also have a high number of non-witnesses, though lower than for p*(2p-1).


During my search I also looked for first occurences mpz_spspk's of increasing order:

mpz_spsp1:             1,537,381 = 877*1753
mpz_spsp2:             1,943,521 = 61*151*211
mpz_spsp3:           465,658,903 = 15259*30517
mpz_spsp4:       239,626,837,621 = 346141*692281
mpz_spsp5:     2,028,576,353,203 = 1007119*2014237
mpz_spsp8:    14,910,591,535,003 = 2730439*5460877

Notice how all but mpz_spsp2 are of the form p*(2p-1). It's also interesting why I didn't find any mpz_spsp6 and
mpz_spsp7 between mpz_spsp5 and mpz_spsp8, but I did search all composites in that entire range barring any mal-
function of my program.

I tested all of the mpz_spspk's on Thomas R. Nicely's page in GMP 5.0.1. Many of them, including many of those order
10-12, are now mpz_spsp0 (not mpz_spsp pseudoprimes at all) in 5.0.1, which means they must have changed bases for
Miller Rabin tests in mpz_probab_prime_p in GMP 5.0.1. I wrote their orders in previous GMP verions after the numbers.
I also saved several of the higher order mpz_spspk's as I found them up to mpz_spsp16. Here is the list: spsp.txt.